Monthly Archives: May 2012

the Axis of de Facto

The NY Times’ (image credit, above) cartography expert, Mr Jacobs (and it is superb that they can claim to possess a specialist on this under-covered issue) writes on the thus far little recognised (to the point of being arguably anonymous) ‘Transnistrian Issue’, that is currently wracking minds in Transnistria’s former mothership, Moldova; itself somewhat better known and not, at this stage, burdened with having an eponymous Issue.

What is perhaps even more interesting from Mr Jacobs, is that Transnistria and three other statelets have formed an entity entitled: the “Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations”, otherwise dubbed the Commonwealth of Unrecognised States. A snapshot of their efforts at self-identification is included in the article.

Raj shoebox

Discovered inside a shoebox in Edinburgh, a series of photos from life in India roughly 100 years ago. A selection of the images are carried by the Daily Telegraph.

Fewer adventurers, more bankers

A new book has been published surveying London in photos at the time of the only two ever diamond jubilees – those for Victoria and Elizabeth II: The Queens’ London. The Daily Telegraph also has a selection of photos from the book, including the one above, comparing the view from Bow Church, 115 years apart.